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Before becoming an artist, I created a beautiful magical garden in Maple Ridge, BC. My garden was my joy, full of peace and good energy and I loved to share it with other gardeners. With the help of a good friend, we organized "Country Garden Tours" that raised over $30,000 for "Sunshine Dreams for Kids". Over the years I had hundreds of people tour my garden, and often I was asked how I managed to keep it looking so healthy. My answer always was "the fairies help me". The garden was featured in "Canadian Gardening" and the article on the garden was called "The Magic Touch". I always loved the whimsical fairy ornaments I would see in the garden centers and had a few placed along the pathways but suddenly "fairy" statues of all kinds and sizes began to mysteriously show up for me to find among the flowers. To this day no one has owned up to leaving them but they all moved with me and sit quietly on my balcony garden here in Vernon. I am sure those little fairies continue to inspire me but now on paper instead of in the garden. Laurel has come up with the most delightful poetry to accompany my illustrations.

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Updated: Sep 8, 2020

This book is not only for children but also for the child in all of us. Over the last few years I have been asked many times if I had ever considered writing a children's book and my answer always was "I would love to, but a writer I am not. Having Laurel Ellen attend a "Happy Art" class I was teaching at the Vernon Community Art Center changed all that. Not that I suddenly learned how to write, but Laurel certainly can. She, and her gift of words became a gift to me. Well, the book has happened and Laurel has created the most delightful poetry to go along with my illustrations. Questions accompany each image that encourage children to study the images to see what they can find hidden in plain sight. Price of the book is $25 and postage $5. If you are interested in a book send me a message via my contact page.

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Updated: Aug 17, 2020

One of my first illustrations with color was “Undersea Gardens”  I discovered the bright happy colors I was able to put down on paper and was excited with what I created.  But I remember showing it to an art teacher and her first question was “is it light fast”.

Light fast!! What did that mean! Well I looked into definitions and was disappointed to find out that what I was creating with alcohol inks was not.  But that was 3 years ago and I have done a lot of research and tests and have not let this stop me from what I am doing.  I continue to use my alcohol ink “blend able” Copic markers to create my “happy art”.  Once the black and white illustration is finished, it is scanned and saved for future coloring books.

Then the fun begins and the color is added.  Actually the fun begins when I sit down and begin to create what I visualize in my mind.  My sister recently sat down to color a piece in one of my coloring books and said she has a whole new insight into my busy mind. Once the illustration is finished with color, it is again scanned and sent off to different places to be made into fine art prints, prints on canvas and to the photo lab for prints for cards.

The originals are sprayed with varnish, then UV spray and framed under non-glare UV glass.  I have one original set aside that I sprayed only with UV spray. It has been in a window and half covered with paper for almost two years and to date no color loss.  So with the proper care I am comfortable that the images are protected from fading.  I have a great time coming up with new ideas for illustrations and love what I do.  I have my own show coming up at the Armstrong Art Gallery in Armstrong, BC for the month of September and am excited to show off my work.  I just finished this piece for the show {Hummer’s Heaven}. If you are in the Vernon-Armstrong neighborhood, the exhibits opening reception is on September 6 at 6pm. It is an open reception and everyone is welcome.

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Vernon, BC

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